5 Tips to Mastering Responsive Website Design


According to Hubspot, 73.1% of web designers say that a non-responsive design is one of the most common reasons users leave a site. With that in mind, one can conclude that the success of your website largely depends on whether it has a responsive website design. You can use site-building tools to build a responsive website for your business or hire a designer. To make the move to responsive design, consider these five tips.

1. Keep an Eye on Your Mobile Traffic

Refer to your site data for the volume of mobile visitors, track the growth of that online market segment and try to come up with a projection for the next two to five years. Implementation becomes more critical as the growth curve becomes steeper.

2. Standardize Areas and Buttons That Can Be Clicked

When creating clickable spaces and buttons, keep in mind that human fingers will be used to activate them. That being said, mobile versions of buttons and regions require a greater interaction area. This ensures that navigational problems on the website are averted and, if there are any, they do not irritate users and cause them to leave the site. Follow this best practice for responsive website design to make it simple for users to click precisely with any finger.

3. Prioritize Content Differently

Most websites with responsive design have one characteristic: they display several columns on devices with large screens and one column on tiny ones. Larger screens typically contain more empty areas and are tailored differently than smaller screens. Take, for example, an article teaser; some teasers are ineffective on certain screen widths and must be changed. Similarly, not all the material presented on a desktop website's mobile version may be relevant to mobile users. If it is impossible to remove any of the material, conceal it discreetly behind regions the user can tap on. Pin the most significant items to the top to draw attention to them.

4. Analyze Competitor's Websites On Different Devices

Keep a list of URLs for comparable companies. Examine them periodically on a range of PCs, tablets, and smartphones. Which are the most user-friendly and require the least pinching, zooming, and scrolling? Identify the best and use it as a guide for your design.

5. Employ Web Designers with Experience in Responsive Design

Numerous designers who serve small and medium-sized businesses continue to concentrate on creating sites for computer viewing. Request examples of the designer's most recent responsively-designed websites. Instead of simply requesting screenshots, request the URLs and examine the sites on a range of devices, paying close attention to their appearance and functionality.

These are some of the most significant best practices for responsive website design, applicable to any web designer or a business owner. Call us today to book an appointment with our professionals.

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